Today is the day when I discovered who killed my daughter

Ana Contreras
4 min readMar 18, 2021

Today is the day when I discovered who killed my daughter. After 30 years I know.

It was one late afternoon when she mysteriously disappeared. I went to the grocery store and when I came back there was no sight of her. The house was hollow. The sound of silence disturbed my ears and gloom invaded my soul. But there was an excess. An excess of gloom. Too much gloom converted into exasperation and irritation. Packages full of fresh food flew across the living room and… the voice. That voice resonated all across the house. There was no one. I glanced outside the closest window I had and no one. Just the wind. But that voice again called me. It was a familiar voice.

I knew. I knew.



Of course.

How could I forget my beloved wife? I turned around and there she was with her disgraceful face. A spiteful smile emerged on her face as she began to come down the stairs slowly.

Her gaze had me petrified and her presence disturbed. I hadn’t seen her in a long time and now she dares to appear the day my daughter disappeared. “Marcus, I told you I will pay you back.” Her creepy voice resounded all over the house and a cold breeze entered through the windows. The dried leaves in the street made a sound. “What the hell did you do!?”

She was exhausting me. Slowly she continues coming down the stairs taking careful steps although always looking up. “Stop! DO NOT TAKE A STEP FURTHER.” My voice resounded throughout the house. Everything stood still for a while. A slight breeze once more entered the house. The stillness was cut by her surprised look accompanied by a laugh.

“So now you are telling me what to do. Huh. Funny.” Her responses drove me crazy. They awoke my inner fury making my blood boil.

Sliding her feet through the floor, she reached the spot where I was. She breathed heavily in my face and a powerful perfume odor came out of her mouth. “What did you do to her?” I muttered angrily in his face through clenched teeth. She laughed and breathed. She approached my ear and murmured, “It’s payback. I told you someday I would do it.” It was enough. I threw my hand to grab her neck, but she dodged my hand. “Marcus, it really hurt me when that night you left me alone.” Her slight voice resounded in the house making my hairs stand on end.

“The house burning in flames and you running with her. My flesh blazing in the harsh flames you raised. There was nothing to be done. The night you betrayed me and burned the house with me still in it. You took our daughter far away and thought that this way she would be safe.”

Her calm tone converted into a sarcastic tone. “But safe from what!?” She laughed. “From me!?”

Her look penetrated my body and I could feel my blood blazing through my veins. Her mouth opened slowly as she pronounced the following words that drove me crazy. “Well, you know.” She made a small pause. “I wanted to recoup all these years since my death and spend more time with my daughter.” She smiled. Her smile froze me. I couldn’t understand what she meant.

It wasn’t until she said, “I took her with me” when I understood what she had done. “NO! NOT MY BELOVED DAUGHTER! HOW DARE YOU!?” As expected, she responded.

“You know, life returns everything you do. But in this case, life was taking too long. So I had to act. I would’ve liked for her to live, but I couldn’t leave you pleased. And this was the best way.”

She turned around and began walking to my daughter’s room. She paused, turned around and slowly said, “Look what you’ve done Marcus. Now just live with it.” She turned around again and continued stepping toward her room until I was alone again. The vegetables I had bought were everywhere. It couldn’t be possible. NO! NOT MY DAUGHTER!

From that moment on, the world seemed a little blurry for me. I couldn’t sleep. Or that’s what they say. They heard me talking with my wife. They looked at how I punched myself and destroyed things. They said I entered a period where my soul had disconnected from the real world. During that time I didn’t know what was happening. The man with white robes told me something about psychotic episodes. But it wasn’t until today I recovered and understood what happened that night. Thirty years in intensive treatment got to heal this old man whom his wife tormented. She thought she could ruin me but I’m back and stronger. I will wait with carving my death date and expect to meet her somewhere to make her suffer all she has made me suffer since the day she looked me deeply in the eyes trapping my heart in her clutches.

Creative Writing

